Publications (Google Scholar Profile)


UniGuard: Towards Universal Safety Guardrails for Jailbreak Attacks on Multimodal Large Language Models
Sejoon Oh, Yiqiao Jin, Megha Sharma, Donghyun Kim, Eric Ma, Gaurav Verma, Srijan Kumar.
Deployable AI (DAI) Workshop - AAAI, 2025.


IntentRec: Predicting User Session Intent with Hierarchical Multi-Task Learning
Sejoon Oh, Moumita Bhattacharya, Yesu Feng, and Sudarshan Lamkhede.
BayLearn - Machine Learning Symposium, 2024.

FINEST: Stabilizing Recommendations by Rank-Preserving Fine-Tuning
Sejoon Oh, Berk Ustun, Julian McAuley, and Srijan Kumar.
(Paper | Code)
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) Journal, 2024.

Adversarial Text Rewriting for Text-aware Recommender Systems
Sejoon Oh, Gaurav Verma, and Srijan Kumar.
(Paper | Code)
ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2024.

Cross-Modal Projection in Multimodal LLMs Doesn’t Really Project Visual Attributes to Textual Space
Gaurav Verma, Minje Choi, Kartik Sharma, Jamelle Watson-Daniels, Sejoon Oh, and Srijan Kumar
(Paper | Code)
The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2024


Hierarchical Multi-Task Learning Framework for Session-based Recommendations
Sejoon Oh, Walid Shalaby, Amir Hossein Afsharinejad, and Xiquan Cui.
ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys) ORSUM Workshop, 2023.


Rank List Sensitivity of Recommender Systems to Interaction Perturbations
Sejoon Oh, Berk Ustun, Julian McAuley, and Srijan Kumar.
(Paper | Code)
ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2022.

Implicit Session Contexts for Next-Item Recommendations
Sejoon Oh, Jongseok Han, Ankur Bharadwaj, Sungchul Kim, Ryan A. Rossi, and Srijan Kumar.
(Paper | Code)
ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) short, 2022.

M2TRec: Metadata-aware Multi-task Transformer for Large-scale and Cold-start free Session-based Recommendations
Walid Shalaby, Sejoon Oh, Amir Hossein Afsharinejad, Xiquan Cui, and Srijan Kumar.
ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys) LBR, 2022.


Influence-guided Data Augmentation for Neural Tensor Completion
Sejoon Oh, Sungchul Kim, Ryan Rossi, and Srijan Kumar.
(Paper | Code)
ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2021.


Fast, Accurate and Provable Triangle Counting in Fully Dynamic Graph Streams
Kijung Shin, Sejoon Oh, Jisu Kim, Bryan Hooi, and Christos Faloutsos.
(Paper | Code)
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 2020.


High-Performance Tucker Factorization on Heterogeneous Platforms
Sejoon Oh, Namyong Park, Jun-Gi Jang, Lee Sael, and U Kang.
(Paper | Code | BIBTEX)
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2019.

Fast and Scalable Method for Distributed Boolean Tensor Factorization
Namyong Park, Sejoon Oh, and U Kang.
(Paper | Homepage | BIBTEX)
VLDB Journal, 2019.


GIFT: Guided and Interpretable Factorization for Tensors with an Application to Large-Scale Multi-platform Cancer Analysis
Sejoon Oh#, Jungwoo Lee#, and Lee Sael (# these authors contributed equally to this work).
(Paper | Homepage | BIBTEX)
Bioinformatics, 2018.

Scalable Tucker Factorization for Sparse Tensors - Algorithms and Discoveries
Sejoon Oh, Namyong Park, Lee Sael, and U Kang.
(Paper | Slides | Homepage | Github | BIBTEX)
IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2018), Paris, France.
Gold Prize Winner (1st in CS) @ Samsung HumanTech Paper Award
Best Undergraduate Thesis Award @ Seoul National University


Fast and Scalable Distributed Boolean Tensor Factorization
Namyong Park, Sejoon Oh, and U Kang.
(Paper | Homepage | BIBTEX)
IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2017), San Diego, California, USA.