About me

  • I am a Research Scientist @ Netflix working on Foundation Models in Netflix.
  • I received my CS Ph.D. in Georgia Institute of Technology, advised by Prof. Srijan Kumar.
  • My research interests include Recommender Systems, Large Language Models, Generative AI, and Adversarial Machine Learning.
  • I enjoy playing tennis, working out, video gaming, and traveling in my free time!

What’s New?

  • (July. 2024) A adversarial ML + RecSys paper ATR is accepted to CIKM 2024. We investigate the robustness of SOTA text-aware recommender systems against our proposed text rewriting attack ATR.

  • (Jun. 2024) I just started a new full-time research scientist position @ Netflix! Many thanks to my mentors: Dr. Moumita Bhattacharya and Dr. Yesu Feng and manager Sudarshan Lamkhede :)

  • (Apr. 2024) I passed my thesis defense and finally got my PhD in CS! Special thanks to my advisor Prof. Srijan Kumar, all the CLAWS lab members, collaborators, and sponsors for their unwavering support, valuable feedback, and encouragement :)